The "Portable Poll Light" is also a very affordable solution for those (like myself) with older pools that never had a built in light. It can cost up to $5000 to have a built in light professionally installed in an existing in ground pool. The light can also be configured for above ground pools. Just email me prior to ordering and I will ask some questions so the light can be configured correctly.
And because the light is completely portable it can also be used for other applications where you need portable light under water such as your dock, fish ponds, fountains, and even your boat if you don't want to mount lights to the boat and wire them. The "Portable Pool Light" can be configured to be used on your boat as well.
How does it work? It's a very simple non high tech unit that houses an internal battery, switch, fuse and charge circuit. The housing is weather proof so it can be left outside and no worries about the kids splashing it while playing in the pool.
Which unit do you need? I make them using your choice of either my "S transom light" or my "DS transom light". Use the DS for medium to large pools and large ponds and fountain's. Use the S for a small pool, jacuzzi, fountain or fish pond. Light color can be white for an ultra bright pool, deep blue for that "lagoon" look or green. On the DS units I can mix two colors. For example mixing white and blue makes for a lighter and brighter blue. Mixing green and blue will make for an aqua type color.
The S unit will run for about 12 hours between charges and the DS unit will run for about 6 hours between charges. The units come with the charger and generally you would just keep the unit out of the pool and plugged into the charger over night for a full charge.